dogs sharing bed with random soccer ball
I'm writing this post in my office! The dogs are sleeping in their beds! I have a cup of coffee at my elbow, nearly gone, and I'm feeling almost well enough to consider, seriously, going to boot camp tomorrow morning. Yes! Restlessness is returning to me!
(I'm relieved. The past few days have been a bit of a dangerous interlude, as I discovered how easy it is to work in bed on my laptop; and tempting as it sounds, that is not a habit I'd consider good for my morale, long-term.)
Today is Kevin's birthday.
We still have no oven, so I can't bake him a cake.
But we're going to go out for lunch and look at wood stoves, and talk and dream, so maybe that's enough.
I've found a quote attributed to Nelson Mandela that struck me this morning: "As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." That's almost been the basis of our marriage, right there. We haven't stayed the same, and we haven't expected the other to stay the same. We're quite different, in many ways, but we sure enjoy basking in each other's light.
I can't bake Kevin a cake.
But I can sing his praises here. He's improvisational of character, willing to change, forever finding ways to make something out of nothing -- or out of the materials at hand. He's the kindest coach you'll ever hope to meet, who seems blessed with infinite patience, who sees potential in every kid, and never tires of finding new ways to motivate (which makes him a great teacher, too). And now I'm afraid of winding myself into deeply sappy territory by saying what a terrific dad he is (but of course!) and partner, too. I most appreciate his willingness to be swayed, to consider alternative perspectives, and to listen without comment.
Happy birthday, dear Kevin, and many more.Labels: birthdays, cake, Kevin