It's the day before my birthday. I get all contemplative at this time of year, and on this date, specifically. I've got journal entries from Dec. 28th (hand-written) going back a decade or more, reflecting on the year past and hopes for the future. Something about reading over these entries fills me with melancholy, though I can't quantify why, exactly. It's not because I wish things had gone differently. Maybe it's the passage of time, generally. Maybe I recognize that I wasn't always so confident or certain. That shouldn't make me sad, though. I had to be who I was to become who I am. Today I read the entry from 2005. So much of what I've accomplished since then seems improbable. So much could not have been predicted. I had no inkling that I would devote a year to triathlon and marathon training, nor could I have imagined the confidence and determination gained by training and racing. My parents were still together at that point. My father-in-law was still alive, as were both of my mother's parents. I suspect those losses, yet to come, shaped me, too, and that grief and struggle made me into someone slightly different, someone more open to challenge and conflict and error.
The truth about becoming a better writer is that it's a long-term process. You start with a flair for language, a love of story and words, as a young writer; you may have a gift for innovation or for structural sense, enormously important building blocks to work with. But it's patience, only, that will make you a better writer, as you practice the craft faithfully and with hope, while you wait for life to tell you what matters to you, and what it is you want to say, what you want to put into the world. I think about that now. I didn't used to, so much.
I'm okay with getting older. I'm so much more at ease being me, living in this body, aware of my own limitations and flaws, and comfortable pushing against them, when I feel inspired, or settling right into them, when I'm just plain tired of trying to be better. Sometimes good enough is plenty.
I've embraced my own high expectations. I haven't been crushed by them.
This past year has been an odd one. This is the year that gave me Girl Runner. Wow. This was also the year of employment uncertainty and the stress of financial strain, of unexpected expenses and hits. This was the year I got turned down for virtually every grant and job I applied for. Yet somehow this was also the year of out-of-the-blue serendipity: job offers and book deals. This was the year my writing earned me a good living. Wow, again. This was the year I did not get a hair cut. Yikes! This was the year I applied for midwifery school, got in, and decided not to pursue that career route. This was the year of the concussion. This was the year I taught my first course. This was the year I didn't can anything. The year we got a dishwasher. The year I drove more kilometres in support of my kids' activities than I'd ever dreamed possible. The year my green dreams faded to a paler shade.
Here's what I wrote in 2005 about parenting, and it rings so very true all these years later: "Basically what I want for my kids is the world to be open for them, and them to feel comfortable within it, never excluded or discouraged."
Maybe I wanted that for myself, too. Maybe that's exactly what I've found and what I continue to try to nurture, for all of us: to be participants in the world around us.
We do a lot of asking for things, searching and applying and imagining ourselves elsewhere, making our requests. It's part of participating in the world. Maybe getting turned down and turned away is part of participating too. So often what comes to us, when we're open, is not what we'd asked for or anticipated. We just can't know. Maybe that's what makes me sad, on this day of looking back and looking ahead: I really can't know. There is no way to prepare for what's ahead. How to let go? How to be open to what the world has to offer, to be determined and ambitious and demanding of ourselves, and also at peace with what we're given?
I'm a little bit terrified of looking ahead at the year to come. If all goes well, here is what will happen. I will finish Girl Runner and see it published here in Canada. I will get a good head shot (and that long-neglected hair cut). I will research toward a new book, and start writing it. I will consider teaching again. I will play soccer again, come spring. I will return to running longer distances. I will practice yoga blissfully in my peaceful office. I will get a standing desk or even a treadmill desk. I will see my children do wonderful things: play soccer, swim, play piano, do gymnastics, play with friends. I will enjoy their company. I will continue to be blessed in my marriage.
If I write it all down, I fear it won't come true. I want to knock on wood. Conversely, I want to write it all down and not fear at all what may come, because it's only by hoping and dreaming for the best that the best can come to pass. That's what I've learned. Forget superstition. The fear of dreaming and possibility is really the fear of disappointment. And tough though it is to accept, disappointment can be overcome. Much more difficult to overcome is the refusal to imagine, period.
So, here I am. December 28th, 2013. Dreaming big, as always.Labels: Big Thoughts, birthdays, dream