Notes from the desert island

the leaves have all since fallen off this tree

I'm distracted. It appears to be Wednesday already, which means I've got course prep to finalize, and photocopying to do, which means also that I get to visit the mailroom at the English department and check my mailbox. My mailbox never has anything in it, and yet it gives me such pleasure to check.

my mailbox, in its natural state

I was musing about this little slice of happiness while driving AppleApple to swimming last week, and she said maybe it makes me feel part of something bigger, to have a mailbox at the English department. I think she's on to something. It's not that I don't love my home office (I do!), but I work very much alone (not counting the two dogs), very much on projects of my own devising (which I love, don't get me wrong). This brings me great satisfaction, but not a sense of connection with a larger community. It's desert island work, in a way. I'm tapping away under my palm tree, shoving notes into bottles and heaving them out to sea. Every once in awhile (or quite often, lately) a bottle returns with a note that says, I love your note! Or something to that effect, if we're following this metaphor to its conclusion, which we really must, having committed ourselves thus far.

there she goes, Girl Runner

I'm trying to parse the oddness of what I've been feeling as Girl Runner sells abroad. I receive a phone call, or an email, that seems out of the blue: Carrie, we've had offers from X,Y, and Z, and we recommend accepting Z's. And I reply, Sounds good to me! And then I go back to my office and try to maintain good posture whilst working on revisions, staring at the words on the page, and wondering at the power these very words seem to have, and how that power, which might almost be magic, seems utterly separate from me. It's as if Aganetha Smart (that's her name, my Girl Runner) is off on adventures all her own, while I'm here in my ordinary office waving goodbye, and admiring her efforts, but quite distanced from them.

I just got a phone call. Spain, people, and all of Latin America. If you visit the publisher's web site, you'll see they distribute through Central and South America, as well as to the US Spanish-speaking market. It gives me particular joy to see "Nicaragua" listed among the countries. So, you see, there she goes, Aganetha, off on another adventure.

Suzi, hard at work

Meanwhile, my two colleagues, Suzi and DJ, sigh in their dog beds under my desk, and relax into the afternoon. The other evening, AppleApple and I got a kick out of imagining the conversations I might have with my home office colleagues, Suzi and DJ, as they "get the job done." Suzi: "Rearranged the blanket on the couch with my paws. Totally got 'er done." DJ: "Snored so loud I woke myself up. Knocked that one out of the park." Suzi: "Shortest bathroom break ever. Did you hear me scratching at the door? Genius." DJ: "That's nothing. I've been eating something unidentifiable under the porch for the last hour. Rocked it." (Not sure why the dogs like to brag about their efforts around their water bowls, but that's what we heard.)

Moving on. Work, Carrie, work! Focus! C'mon. Get it done.

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