It feels odd to check in here and offer no news. But it's true. I have no news. I have instead the general happenings of an ordinary couple of days.
I finished my second round of revisions on Tuesday evening by completely neglecting my two youngest offspring (the two eldest were at soccer tryouts with their dad). I knew I was close, and couldn't stop myself. Here's how our after-supper conversation went.
CJ: I'm bored!
Me: I'm sorry.
CJ: Can Grandma come play?
Me: Let's text her and find out.
[a round of texting ensues]
Me: I'm sorry, but Grandma can't come. She's visiting your new baby cousin right now.
CJ: [flings self on floor in attitude of despair] Grandma is ALWAYS with the new baby now!
Me: The new baby is four days old. I think you're exaggerating. [thought bubble: wow, new baby as potential rival, that didn't take long]
CJ: But I'm bored! We don't even have Netflix!
Me: How about a video on YouTube? Like Little Bear.
CJ: I hate Little Bear.
Me: What do you want to watch?
CJ: Pokemon.
Me: Seriously? Pokemon? It isn't too scary? [thought bubble: or utterly nonsensical?]
CJ: Pokemon!
Me: Pokemon it is. I'll just be in my office ... [an hour later: revisions done!]
On Wednesday, I went out for coffee and croissant with a friend to catch up and celebrate the France deal (she speaks French; I do not).
On Thursday, I presented my students with way too much information on the elements of short story writing.
Unrelatedly, I also made a list of things I want. It's a bit extravagant, and includes a treadmill desk and a laptop. Also running tights and a haircut.
Must have been in list-making mode, because I then made another list of potential words of the year for next year. This year's word is STRETCH. I think about it from time to time and wonder how it fits in with everything that's happening. And I remind myself to do yoga and actually physically stretch.
It's a full moon tonight. The sun is shining. This morning, I went out to the back yard and took these photos.

Labels: backyard, class, editing, friends, gardening, kids, lists, photos, stretch, teaching, The Girl Runner, word of the year, work