Stretching by the soccer field


A few things. If you don't hear from me, assume I'm writing. Or summering.

So far, this holiday has made a lot of sense. The kids are swimming in the mornings, and I write (working on revisions) all afternoon. We're travelling by bicycle as much as we can. I'm back to running and soccer, so life it is good. It is filled with goodness.

I took my yoga mat and stretched on the grass, Saturday afternoon, while watching my daughter practice her keeper skills. Rain was lightly falling. It's been hot, humid. It was just about the perfect afternoon.


No photos of my younger daughter, but you never know, she might step in and make a claim for the title "soccer girl," too. On Thursday evening, Kevin and I watched in amazement as our sturdy and determined seven-year-old carried the ball up the field, beating out player after player, and calmly fired it into the net. Five times. Seriously. We know she's got the skills, but this was the first we'd seen the fire-in-the-belly. Our jaws were dropping. We were so curious to know what had inspired her, but all Fooey said afterward when we asked how did you just do that??? was, "It was a different goalie, so it was easy." Um, okay.

(I wish I could say that. And I wish I had even half her foot skills. I mean, she dominated. That is not a word Kevin and I tend to associate with sweet Fooey.)

I love the very different personalities that pour out of these fascinating individuals I get to claim as my kids. I love trying to figure them out. What makes you tick? What gets you excited? What brings you to life?


It's berry season in our backyard.

And it looks like rain, again.

We've got more soccer coming up this evening, I've got laundry to drag off the line, and another half an hour to direct toward Girl Runner. I love when life makes sense like this. It doesn't always. I spend a lot of time flailing around worrying about direction, although I don't love to blog about those parts. (Maybe I should? So life doesn't look too perfect?)

I'm super-thankful when everything seems to fit together.

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