Slow down, you move too fast


We've been off this weekend. Both kids played in soccer tournaments. I've still got my own game to come this evening. I'm a bit soccered out, truth be told, so let's see if my enthusiasm holds over for a few more hours, in what looks like it might be rain.


I was thinking today that soccer tournaments had become part of my interior landscape: the jam-packed parking, the noise, the music, the sight of game upon game, the whistles, the cheers and cries, and the bright team colours. I saw my kids come out to play. They didn't come to watch, they came to engage, and that was a joy to witness.


Unfortunately, I forgot to pull out the little camera after the opening moments of the first game. And my real camera's memory card is broken, so I lost the other photos from the past week (some fun ones of the kids making boats for a bathtub race, and of CJ showing me his new tricks on the parallel bars: all gone.)

This coming week is so jam-packed that you may suspect I've decided never to blog again, again. It's the last week for nursery school, I'm heading to Toronto to meet with an editor, we've got soccer games galore, swimming, there's a county track meet, a kindergarten picnic, several appointments at the allergist, and that only takes us to Thursday. So ...


Here is Fooey's photo of her giant Duplo tower, right before I made her take it down. You'll note that I was on a mission to clear the living-room and vacuum up the dog hair -- someone is shedding right now. The mission was sparked by another mission to find a lost library book. I turned the house upside down searching, finally admitted defeat and stopped in at the library on my way between running children to picnics and soccer games and back again that evening. I spent about fifteen minutes searching the library's shelves -- and lo and behold, there was the lost book! That was my entire Thursday in a nutshell: minor complications solved with some effort and irritation on my part.

It's nice to have something every day to look forward to, amidst the busyness. I often find many somethings, the moments when I'm relaxed into the scene at hand (say, lunch!), aware that more needs to be done, but not going there yet. I try not to go anywhere until I need to, literally or figuratively. I think that's why all of this busyness never feels like too much.

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