All the doors thrown open

woman watches spring

Writing a book can be a funny thing. Occasionally it feels like control has been unintentionally ceded to some other power: the original vision just doesn't fit on the page. The character refuses to do what the writer has planned. This doesn't happen all that often, but it can.

Writing a life, well, do we get to that? Do we get to write our own plotlines, choose who we will become? To some degree I strongly believe that the answer is yes. Right up until it seems to be out of our hands.

I've had a strange week. It's been wild, it's been wonderful.

What can I say? Well, not everything. Okay, frankly, not much. Hardly anything at all, in fact. And I apologize for being mysterious, and will let you know that the news that I cannot tell is good, and that it is writing-related.

You know that saying, It never rains but it pours?

soccer coach, in reflection

Throw into the mix: Kevin away in Winnipeg, a mysterious allergic reaction that sent me to the doctor, solo parenting on the weekend, having to coach our youngest's soccer team, and several more soccer games including my own on Sunday evening, and I've got to tell you, it's been ... overwhelming. 

Imagine me walking uptown on Saturday with my brood of children, running errands in the brilliant sunshine. I say, "Kids, I feel ten feet tall." "But you're short, Mom. We're short people." "I know. But I feel like I'm much taller than I actually am. I feel like I'm floating."


I have spent more than twenty years aiming myself toward this moment. More than twenty years working to accumulate the knowledge and skill to write books that people will want to read. More than twenty years of tenacity and, let's admit it, almost obsessive effort, even against self-doubt and the rejection that comes to every creative person who opens herself to the world. And here I am, more than twenty years on, dropped into the perfect moment in which the universe says: What you wanted? Here it is.


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