"Snow" day in April

Was relieved to get up early for yoga this morning, if only to escape the circular anxiety dreams.

But I was tired in yoga class. As I lay, half-awake, in the final shavasana, I thought to myself, nothing had better get in the way of my morning nap, or I'm not going to make it through today.


Must have been a premonition. I drove home through the rain, thinking, the kids aren't going to enjoy their walk to school today. And I opened my email to discover: SCHOOL CANCELLED! Apparently a massive ice storm was in the offing, though I can't say it's materialized as promised (which is not a bad thing, I realize). Frankly, all I was thinking was: with school cancelled, how am I going to get my nap???

I was desperate. I told the kids they could play electronics while I went back to bed. Worked like a charm, although those dreams were even more bizarre. I was on a train in Syria doing an aerobics class led by a Serbian instructor whose moves were comically complex. I couldn't follow. I sobbed into my seat cushion (being on a train, remember), a feeling of fear and despair permeating the dream, which I understood was a dream, and I worried in the dream about having a dream that would make me sob.

And then I woke up, and cleaned the house. Electronics time over.

I stopped cleaning at lunchtime, in a really grumpy mood. I made a delicious homemade chicken noodle soup. I went outside and grabbed some ice photos. The photos aren't terribly impressive, there not being much ice. As far as I can see, the cars keep whipping along our street without any trouble at all. But not to worry, the kids are safe, playing soccer in the living room and creating a Lego bomb in the upstairs hallway. It is now around the time I'd expect them home from school. I've hooked them back up to their electronics again, which gives me the luxury of writing this post. I'll admit no feelings of guilt.

I'm still kind of grumpy, though. Can you tell? I'm not hiding it very well.

Yeah, well. We're all a little grumpy. We're all accustomed to activity and go, go, go, and even if it's not a really bad storm, the weather is still yucky and cold and wet and not conducive to outdoor play, and everything's closed, and we haven't gotten up to anything more exciting than electronics and housecleaning.


Total side note before I sign off and unhook the children: Have you seen The Mindy Project yet? It's a sitcom, so if you hate sitcoms, don't bother, but we find it hysterically funny at our house. We've been letting the older kids stay up to watch (be warned, there is some adult content). I found myself fighting not to giggle out loud while lying on my yoga mat this morning, waiting for class to begin, because I was remembering scenes from the episode we watched last night.

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