(click on photos to see in full)
Among our many activities this weekend, AppleApple performed at Beckettfest yesterday afternoon. Her little sister came along for moral support, making this an all-girl outing. Kev stayed home and cleaned. It takes a team. AppleApple also spent yesterday morning swimming 5,000 metres (yup, that's 5 kilometres) in a swim-a-thon to raise money for her swim team. I think she earned her donations. Good grief. I've never swum that far, nor that long--have you? She did most of the swim in back crawl, which is her favourite stroke.
In other news, I spent most of yesterday groaning every time I bent down to pick something up. That just meant kundalini class on Friday night was a success.
Also in other news, we were treated to a tacofest supper with friends yesterday evening, who, I'm grateful to report are quite loud themselves and were therefore not overwhelmed by the noise and energy our family generates in these situations. We don't get a lot of bring-the-whole-family dinner invitations. Just sayin'. So kudos to those brave enough to invite us in. (Come to think of it, Kevin and I used to be more deliberate about inviting friends / family for meals, and that's fallen off in the past while; I should do something about that. Sharing meals with friends is such a good way to spend an evening).
I capped off the night with poetry book club where a peaty Irish whisky was served and we all laughed a lot. The big kids even got a babysitting gig out of the event.
This morning, Kev took AppleApple to her out-of-town soccer game -- the last of the winter season!

I stayed home and did: dishes, laundry, vacuuming, got yogurt going (that's what's in the towel-covered cooler in the photo above), and started bread (that's what's in the towel-covered bowl on the counter). I did not attempt to clear the breakfast bar, also pictured above. And in the foreground, we see a child holding a dog which has been dressed in a bikini, with several dog-babies stuffed in. So, you know, just the usual morning.
I have a soccer game in an hour. And plots and plans bubbling in my brain. And a book on the history of midwifery in Ontario to read in my spare minutes.
And dust mites to battle. (That's one to your left. Looks out of this world, doesn't it? It has recently been discovered that AppleApple suffers from an allergy to said mites. It has also been discovered that she almost certainly has asthma. We're pretty sad about that. The good news is that she doesn't appear to be allergic to the dogs. The other good news is that vacuuming apparently has no effect on the presence of dust mites, so I don't have to feel guilty about how infrequently we manage the task. Even with a team effort).Labels: chores, cleaning, friends, kids, laundry, midwifery, parenting, piano, play, poetry book club, soccer, supper, weekend, work, yoga