I do almost all of my exercise in the dark these days.
Spin and weights on Mondays, now, and spin again on Tuesdays, both with the same friend. We catch up on the drives to and from class.
On Wednesdays, I run with another friend. This has been our ritual for several years now, and we go no matter the weather, though we did consider heading for the track yesterday. It was -27C on her outdoor thermometer, so we layered up, and ran a loop around the 'hood rather than running out to the "country" to see the sunrise. We felt like heroes. But I was so cold by the end that I honestly thought I might perish on my own front porch while my stiff fingers failed to operate the house key -- brain apparently had frozen too.
This morning I went to yoga. It was light by the time I got home.
On Friday evenings I run while the kids are at soccer. It's dark, dark, dark. The photo above was taken on one of those runs. I wear a headlamp and go no matter the weather. I tell myself: if I can do this now, I can do this forever.
On Sundays I play soccer; it's not dark, but it's also indoors.
I love watching the light return. But there is something exhilerating about being awake while the world is still sleeping. In my early twenties, I loved being awake and writing at 3 o'clock in the morning. In my late thirties, I love being awake and moving just a few hours later.

Yesterday, my friend Tricia and I taped an interview for our Amazing Race audition video. We are getting help from a friend who is a professional videographer. He brought stuff, including a cameraman and lights. We were in Tricia's living-room but it felt like being on a set. (She blogged about it too.)

It was nerve-wracking because one's strengths and weaknesses felt instantly apparent. I have too much nervous energy! I can't sit still! It also challenges me to get out of my head, where I'm living rather intensely these days, working on this historical feminist sports romance I seem to be writing.
But it was also really fun. Really fun. I won't post any photos from yesterday's shoot (they're not really mine to post), but here's one I took last week while our kids were playing. Tricia is trying to teach me how to "frown-smile." Apparently, I can't frown-smile. This is more like sad-clown-smile.Labels: exercise, friends, play, routine, running, soccer, The Girl Runner, winter, work, yoga