four-layer cake for a birthday party with friends

whip-cream-covered poke cake for birthday party with family (same day; that's a lot of cake!)

early morning indoor soccer game in Mississaugua, all-family-expedition
Remember when I said if I was quiet on the blog, it might indicate good writing going on? Well, that's only half-true. It might also indicate extreme busyness going on, with no time for writing of any sort, even on the blog. This weekend was so non-stop, I was really looking forward to Monday morning.
Not pictured:
* a 12-km Friday evening speed run in an arctic wind that blew in quite suddenly; I wouldn't have gone except that I go to great lengths to fit this Friday run into the schedule every week -- once I'm there, in my running gear, I can't not go, no matter the weather
* followed up the run with a surprise birthday party for a dear friend
* discovered The Juliet Stories had made the Globe & Mail's top-100 books of the year
* late-night TV with Kevin, dogs, and a pot of tea (Inspector Lewis)
* my soccer game, which was wicked fun and tons of exercise, and made me swear I'd keep playing soccer as long as my joints could stand it; my mom came to babysit the little kids so that Kevin could come along: a soccer date. I appreciated having a fan in the stands.
* a visit to a book club who thanked me with a gift certificate to my favourite restaurant in town (Nick & Nat's Uptown 21)!
And here it is, Monday morning.Labels: birthdays, book club, Kevin, kids, party, soccer, weekend