
front yard bounty
front yard tomatoes

I am writing.

I am realizing it is already August. But I can't quite believe it.

I am wondering. When we will get the dogs? When will our new nephew be born? (Kevin's sister is due with her second, oh, so very soon.)

I am planning. Camp transportation. Baby visiting. Dog vetting. Fall extra-curriculars. 

I am debating. Got up early for spin and weight class, plus soccer practice tonight ... should I go swimming too? 

I am appreciating. Spontaneous all-family bike ride last night, with non-stop-talking CJ behind me on borrowed trail-a-bike. ("This is AWESOME, Mama!") Suppers stuffed with fresh veggies. Heat. Backyard get-together with neighbourhood friends. ("You're going to another mom-party, Mom?!") Late nights. Laundry on line.

Quick, passing, sweet, heartfelt summer.