Went to hot yoga yesterday, the first time in months. The focus for the class was "gratitude." Just what I needed! Talking with a friend yesterday afternoon had already got me thinking about the unhappiness that's caused by comparing oneself to others (see the lovely Soule Mama). Caught up in wishing I had sheep and five homeschooled children and cupboards of freshly preserved home-grown goodness, I completely ignore and minimize all the goodness in my own life, right here and now.
Comparing lives is foolish, and possibly even worse than that -- insidious. Now, that isn't to say that inspiration can't be found from investigating with interest the choices other people make. I wonder what the distinction is between comparison and inspiration. Is it my own frame of mind?
Here's a good reminder as I go about my every day activities: I'm doing things that I've chosen to do, that I enjoy doing (mostly), and that, by necessity, cancel out my ability to do other things. There is only so much time and energy in one life (or in one family's life).
Here are a few choices we've made:
We live in the city, a very short walk to the uptown core (because I also dislike driving and relying on cars). Therefore, we don't live in the country on many rolling acres with paddocks and fields and a truck patch and barn. Nevertheless, we enjoy a lively herb garden, and lots of fresh tomatoes from our patches around the yards, front and back.
I write, and I need quiet time on my own to do it. Therefore, we've chosen not to homeschool our children, the responsibility for which would fall on me. Nevertheless, the kids have lots of freedom in the summertime, and also pursue extra-curricular activities they enjoy.
I love exercising: swimming, training to run long distance, taking early morning classes with friends. Therefore, most of my free time, which could otherwise be spent baking muffins before breakfast or canning food or tending a garden, is allotted to exercise instead. Nevertheless, I bake bread fairly often and cook locally sourced meals from scratch.
A few random footnotes.
Here's a very funny essay by writer Lauren B. Davis: 10 questions never to ask a writer. I especially liked number 1. Sigh.
As I've hinted, I've been writing. In fact, I've been writing pretty steadily. But I think it's pre-writing, telling the basic story to myself in order to understand my characters more deeply, so that I can distill their lives into something more meaningful. As with The Juliet Stories, I wrote many early layers of politics, of explication, of developing characters and relationships and plot that did not make it into the book itself. This is necessary writing, but it isn't the most satisfying. Every time you sit down to write, you want to believe you're landing on the perfect shape and form. Instantly. But that's rare, if not impossible. A deep rich work requires deep rich work. The book that deserves to be read will come out of the disheartening and ultimately invisible work underpinning it. I write in hope!
One more tiny thing. If you're so inclined, CBC Books is inviting readers to nominate books they'd like to see on The Giller Prize list. Here's an entry from someone who nominated The Juliet Stories. Want to join in?Labels: gardening, kids, parenting, spirit, walking, writing, yoga