Now in season: summer


All week, every day, I've gotten to do something seasonal: swim laps in an outdoor pool. Slathered in sunscreen, I've slipped into clear chlorinated water, and front-crawled back and forth along the 50m lanes for an hour. Swimming at noonish, I can see my shadow on the shimmering pool bottom, my arms reaching out overhead. The light on the bottom of the pool is beautiful to watch. It almost feels like I could swim forever.

With luck, I'll get to swim most days for the next two weeks, while all the kids are taking lessons; I'll be limited to half hour swims, due to scheduling, but half an hour a day is better than not swimming at all. Like Kevin said, lane swimming outdoors feels kind of like eating strawberries and asparagus in season -- you have to get it while you can, and get as much as you can.

AppleApple expressed happiness about her relatively unstructured summer. I know there's debate about sending kids to school year-round, but here in Canada, that makes no sense to me. Summer is barely here before it's gone. Imagine kids being in school right now -- indoors! -- while there are raspberries to pick, and outdoor pools to swim in, and long late evenings to stay outside kicking a soccer ball around. For them, and for us, we need to grab what we can of summer, soak it up, go all out.

It's like storing solar energy -- heat for the long dark winter.

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