Lazy Sunday morning.
My two littlest are playing an elaborate imaginary game together. (During yesterday's game we overheard CJ saying, in a very harrassed-sounding tone: "I have to do the laundry and make the supper and clean the house and I just can't do it all by myself! You are going to have to help!" "Is he being the mother?" I wondered, but we couldn't tell, and didn't want to disturb the game to ask.)
My bigger daughter has given up trying to join in on the game and is practicing the piano instead.
The eldest kid is at his second swimming birthday party of the weekend.
And Kevin is at a soccer game. I've got one tonight too. We admitted to each other that we didn't really feel like playing. I said, "I just don't want to get injured," and he laughed, because that was exactly what he'd been thinking. Honestly, after every game I limp home with some injury or another, which heals itself in time for the next game; so does he. I'm pretty sure this a factor of age. AppleApple pooh-poohed my complaints of injury, and said it was just to be expected -- something always hurts after a soccer game! But, then, she's 9, and heals quickly. I'm a good deal older, and appear not to have the same bounce-back abilities.
This was a lazy week, exercise-wise, in part due to a soccer injury. I did something to my hamstring, and couldn't lift my leg for two days. Awkward for stairs, unhelpful for long distance training. Skipped my Monday morning swim in part because of the injury, but also because I had a deadline and I was worried about being too tired (I'm quite sure I could not exercise as voraciously were I working full-time; positive, in fact). Skipped my Tuesday evening run due to injury, plus insane heat. Ran Wednesday morning as usual, felt twitchy for first kilometre, then fine. Dragged self to spin/kettlebell class, but barely, Thursday morning. Skipped Thursday evening run due to thunder storm. Skipped getting up early on Friday due to meeting friend for breakfast. Finally, yesterday, forced self out for a long run after spending the day cleaning house.
And here is what I can report. I didn't really feel like a) cleaning the house or b) going for a long run, but I sure felt a hell of a lot better after accomplishing b) than a).
I spent six hours cleaning the house. I do not exaggerate. It was filthy, disorganized, and disastrous. At the end of those six hours, I felt discouraged, grumpy, and accusatory. Cleaning is so pointless. Within minutes of it being scrubbed, someone walked on my kitchen floor! Can you imagine! With feet that had ever so recently been outside! And with predictable results! Also, every cleaned thing had the effect of showing up every thing that still needed cleaning and therefore looked infinitely dirtier as a result of being in proximity to the cleaned thing.
So I went for a run. I made it 15km. It wasn't easy; in fact, it was a lot harder than the cleaning had been, in many ways. It took at least as much mental fortitude to continue. I wasn't sure I could keep up the pace I was demanding of myself. But at the end, after I'd finished what I'd set out to accomplish, by golly didn't I feel amazing. Elated. Content. Cheerily conversational.
Which is why our house is likely to be, for the most part, not that clean. And why I am likely to be, injuries notwithstanding, reasonably fit.
Whenever I get around to cleaning, I think about my Grandma King, whom my mother remembers rising at 5am in order to scrub her kitchen floor (she also worked a full-time job and looked after five children.) Different times, I guess. When a woman was judged on the cleanliness of her kitchen floor. But we're still judged, aren't we? Or maybe it's that we judge ourselves, and harshly, comparing ourselves to models of perfection, to super-women, and inevitably falling short, as Anne-Marie Slaughter points out in her excellent and nerve-striking article in The Atlantic.
I heard myself on the radio yesterday, briefly, talking about The Juliet Stories. I called AppleApple down to listen (she was the only one nearby). I was mashing garlic to make a ranch dressing and listening to myself talk on the radio. The voice on the radio didn't sound a thing like the voice in my head; in fact, the radio voice sounded much calmer, approachable, resonant, friendly. "Did that really sound like me?" I asked AppleApple afterwards, who looked perplexed. "Of course," she said. Here's the thing: I liked the sounds of that woman on the radio. But she didn't remind me of myself, except only fractionally. Myself was the woman mashing garlic, wearing running gear, feeling irritable, noticing the dirty windows, trying to work up the gumption to get out for a run.
I was experiencing myself as a projection. And in a sense, that's what this blog is too. A projection. Incomplete. The person I show myself to be rather than the messy much more complex and in all likelihood somewhat disappointingly contradictory person that I really am. I think we women like to compare ourselves to projections. It's one of the reasons women always want to know, "How do you do it?" We're imagining that it can be done. We're looking for the secret formula. We'd apply it, if only it existed. I'm certain it's not only women who do this, but maybe men do it differently. Maybe men don't admit as readily to being imperfect or wrong; or maybe they don't care; maybe they're better at managing guilt.
These are horrible generalizations. Please, disagree. Tell me what you think.
My lazy Sunday children have now moved into my office; therefore, it's time for me to move out. It's lunchtime.Labels: chores, cleaning, feminism, house, interviews, kids, mothering, play, radio, running, work