sending happy vibes
When I woke up this morning, I remembered my dream. It seemed ominous. I'd been dreaming about sleeping. As in, I was sleeping inside my dream. I think that might define tired.
We've entered May, which is a month more packed with events than usual. So let me begin this post by telling you about some of them, in case you're interested in attending/listening in/sending happy vibes. (I was going to say "send advice," but it strikes me that advice is not at all what I want. I want happy vibes. Please.)
May 3 (tomorrow): If you're in Guelph, listen in to a live (gulp) interview I'll be doing with Dan and Peter who host a show called "Books for Breakfast" on CFRU radio. You can stream it live, or listen to the podcast later. You can. I won't. I cringe when I hear my own voice. It sounds so different inside my head. My instructions are to pour myself a cup of tea, have my book handy, and pick up the phone when it rings at 8:30am tomorrow. I've arranged for the kids to be out of the house a wee bit earlier than usual.
Also tomorrow, immediately after the interview, I'm off to represent the Eden Mills Writers' Festival. I'll be leading writing workshops for teens at an enrichment conference here in town. I'm going to call this day: The Day of New Experiences. Which is much better than its alternative and less motivational title: The Day of No Napping.
May 7 (Monday): Guelph, the ebar, 7-9pm! I'll be reading with Andrew Hood, and doing a little Q&A afterward with Dan from The Bookshelf. Look for me at around 7:20, according to the schedule I've got. Any friends from Waterloo interested in coming? I'd love to carpool with someone.
May 15 (Tuesday): Indie Night at the Starlight in Waterloo! Doors open at 7. There will be nine authors, brisk and entertaining readings, and books for sale. Heather Birrell will be there with her new book Mad Hope, and fellow Anansi author, Robert Hough with his new book Dr. Brinkley's Tower. And many more. Should be awesome.
May 16 (Wednesday): Short Story Shindig at Type Books in Toronto! 7-9pm. I'm reading with Heather Birrell and Daniel Griffin, and our host for the evening is the most awesome Kerry Clare (who writes the best book blog on the block, Pickle Me This).
May 27 (Sunday): reading at Wilfrid Laurier University. Details to come. Apparently Congress 2012, a gathering of some 7,000 academics, is coming to Waterloo, and WLU is putting on a literary salon to entertain those so inclined.
May 29 (Tuesday): Books and Brunch at A Different Drummer bookstore in Burlington. Starts at 9:30am. I'll be reading with Jay Ingram and Dennis Lee.
Note to self: find a more efficient method of posting this information on blog.
Meanwhile, onward. I started today with a good run with a dear friend in early morning light that was nothing short of beautiful. Pink sky, fresh light, new day. That's the good thing about not sleeping. Being awake in today.Labels: Anansi, dream, readings, running, sleep, writing