I feel like I'm writing a lot about Juliet lately. I apologize. But this blog is an accurate reflection of my life and interests and the way I spend my hours, and truthfully, Juliet is filling up a lot of hours. And a lot of mental space.
Some cliches pop to mind. This too shall pass. Strike while the iron's hot.
It's not every day that I can tell you to go and buy April's Chatelaine magazine. Look for Juliet! She's in there (the review is not available online). And she's in the latest Quill & Quire too. A thoroughly lovely and thoughtful review. There is also today's post up on The Afterword titled "My time in Nicaragua."
So it's busy. It's tumbling me along.
And I'm grateful for getting up early and working as hard as was physically possible this morning in spin class. I'm pretty sure exercise is the answer to some of my questions, and some of my anxiety. It has the effect of transporting me somewhere quite beyond the scribbling scurrying superficial thoughts. It empties and clarifies my mind. I've hit the stage of the publishing process over which I have no control. Let's just say I have some learning to do, yet, in the roll-with-it department. Look at that sky in the photo up above. Those clouds know how to roll with it.
If you're in Waterloo, I should also let you know that I'll be reading tomorrow evening at Conrad Grebel College's series called "Mennonite/s Writing in Canada." 7pm. I'll read something different from what I read at the launch. Books will be available for sale. Hope to see you there.Labels: exercise, readings, reviews, The Juliet Stories