my boys
Yesterday the phone never stopped ringing, and it wasn't telemarketers calling either; it was just one of those days. Today the phone hasn't rung once and the house is quiet. Yesterday I was abuzz with energy and excitement. Today I feel the need for an afternoon caffeine boost. Thank you, cup of sugary tea.
Yesterday lots of pretty awesome things happened, but my favourite moment was sitting outside in the super-hot sunshine with my eldest, sharing a street dog. He topped his half with pickles, mustard, and ketchup. I topped mine with pickles, hot peppers, and ketchup. He was briefly out of school due to a crazy bug bite that clearly required attention. After the dr's appointment, we went to the pharmacy together, and then I spotted the hot dog stand. He was hesitant and concerned about missing more school. He kept checking his watch. Finally he said, "Whatever you think, Mom." And I thought, YES! More time with my boy! How often does this happen?
I've been doing about one reading/week since the book came out. Today I read and spoke to a grade ten class at a nearby high school. The students were great, and came up with lots of excellent questions, both about the sections I'd chosen to read (largely around the theme of activism and responding to human-made atrocities) and about the writing process. I was nervous, but need not have been. Hard to believe my eldest will be that tall, that thoughtful, that nearly-grown-up-looking in just five years.
Will he still say, "Whatever you think, Mom?"
Interested in bringing The Juliet Stories to your book club? My publisher has provided a thoughtful "Reader Guide," food for further thought. It can be accessed by visiting The Juliet Stories at House of Anansi, and then clicking on "Reader Guide." (It's a PDF file.)Labels: kids, parenting, readings