snow kick
This morning started at an earlier hour and less pleasantly than anticipated. A certain small soccer player decided she didn't feel like playing for her team this morning. Too early, too tired. The Marshmallows would have to struggle on without her. Except her dad coaches said Marshmallows. And there are scarcely enough kids on the team to make a team when everyone shows up. She had to go. Team spirit. Letting her team down. Being a team player. All concepts not best discussed at 7 o'clock in the morning. The unhappy debate woke the house.
At last, small defiant Marshmallow off to play for her team, I returned to my bed, hoping for a wee lie-in. CJ followed.
"Come for a snuggle?"
He climbed in, sat up with blankets over knees, alert and happy. "Should we have a Cookie Monster story?" he asked.
"Do you want a long story or a short story?"
"Whatever you think." Eyes closed, hoping to drift back to semi-sleep.
"I think a long story."
"Okay. A long story."
He thought for a moment, and then launched in. "One day Cookie Monster didn't know what to do. So he was looking out his window. And his mom was baking something!"
"Maybe it was bread?" I suggested, thinking of the bread I planned to bake this morning.
"No. It was something better than bread."
"Like strawberry blueberry cookies!"
The story continued, with jumping garbage cans and birthday parties and magic birthday gifts and hiding gifts under the carpet, and lots of mms and ohs from the drifting audience.
I am baking bread right now, but maybe I should consider baking something better, too. The two littlest are playing in the snow (we have snow! it's cold! just like winter!). They'll be in before I know it, requesting hot chocolate with marshmallows (and not the soccer-playing kind). Strawberry blueberry cookie recipes, anyone?Labels: baking, bread, cookies, kids, sleep, soccer