Resolutions. Do you make them? We went around the table last night and everyone had the chance to make a resolution for 2012. Not all cared to participate, but here's what we got:
**Albus resolved to finish his Perplexus game (at least it's not a video game), and buy two new ones and finish those too. (Inspiring ... sigh).
**AppleApple resolved to train for and complete a try-a-tri. Her dad wants to, too. We'll check age limits, but try-a-tris are short-distance triathlons with lengths I'm certain she could manage.
**In addition to the try-a-tri, Kevin resolved to dance more. He intends to practice with help from a wii game we played on New Year's Eve called Just Dance (we had a kid-oriented New Year's; very fun). I'm not sure whether a wii game will make him a better dancer, but it is good exercise. (Fooey said, "The best part is that you don't even have to have a wii remote--you can just dance!")

"all the little grains of snow," taken this morning, back porch
Today, I am pretending the holiday is over; Kevin is helping with that. Whenever the kids are off school or home sick, childcare coverage falls to me, and as I start both working more and wanting to take on more work the imbalance becomes more obvious. I'm thankful that Kevin came around to recognizing this himself, and offered, for this coming week, to share childcare and split the days. Today he's off anyway, so I get the full day. Friday I'd already arranged for babysitting in the morning, so he gets the full day. We're splitting the other days half and half. I'm already floating the idea of doing this for summer holidays too. Something's got to change this year.
I don't usually do resolutions because who knows what will come or how a year will change a person. But I love lists, and this is good place to start.
1. Share the childcare. Take on more work projects. Work more hours.
2. Explore work options. Take risks. Dabble. Whatever I do to fill my hours and earn money, may it be creative, and perhaps surprising.
3. Budget better. Needs no explanation. Kevin and I are already collaborating on this front.
4. Continue early mornings + exercise. On my race list this year (assuming no injuries): the 30km in Hamilton in March; another Olympic-length triathlon; another marathon; and maybe just maybe a half-Ironman triathlon. I'd also like to do another half and another 10km. But racing is expensive. See #3.
4b. (late addition) Stretch!!!! After all exercise. For at least five minutes.
5. Develop book ideas. Apply for grants. Write another book!
7. Practice photography. Use my eyes. Use my feet. Find new locations and subjects.
8. Make music. Write songs. Record.
9. Do everything I can do to continue to be "a good model" for my children. Be forgiving. Be kind. Seek to understand. Love.
10. Go bravely forth.

"Desert in the snow," taken this morning, back porch.
*note: to see photos in full please click on themLabels: exercise, kids, music, New Year's, parenting, photos, work, writing