This week has not been the easiest. We're halfway through January and already I'm seeing cracks in my new year's plans. My hip creaks (literally) and I need a training plan that will accomodate returning me to injury-free status (no long runs for a little while? I'm ever so slightly panicked at the thought). I haven't taken a Sunday photo today. The weekends are proving more packed than anticipated. I sense the dropping of many balls. I'm probably dropping several right now as I sit and type in my dark office instead of heading for the dinner table.
And I'm back. Decided to head for the dinner table when the cries for Mommy grew too strident. They need me at the dinner table. I need to be there too, catching what's falling, in touch with the many moods.
And there are many moods. Disappointments to walk alongside. Hopes. Plots and plans. Energy that might be silly and outrageous or emptied out and low. Sadness. Grumpiness. Sibling unkindness. Siblings racing around and egging each other into greater and greater goofiness.
Tonight my mind is occupied, too, by tomorrow's publicity meeting tomorrow with Anansi. I hope to return with good news to share, and good energy to share, too. I'm entering into a new stage of this book's life, and I have very little control over what happens next: how the book is received. It's a tough stage for me. How to let go? How to be graciously accepting, no matter what? How not to dwell or muddle or worry or fret? There may not be an easy answer. Sometimes just gutting through is the only answer I've got.Labels: Anansi, parenting, work, writing