... "m" for Marita!
This was easy and fun. I'm tempted to do it again. I really like giving things away. (Would you come back and enter your names all over again for a second round?)
AppleApple picked the name out of the basket because she and I had scheduled writing time together this morning. I wanted her help on The Big Fat Juicy Belly Worm story. She's got lots of top secret information about the BFJBW. So we found a pinch of time on Saturday morning, squeezed in between starting bread dough (me) and soccer game (her). She looked forward to it all week--and so did I. Except it wasn't as fun as we'd anticipated. Writing isn't really fun, exactly. There's a lot of erasing and starting all over again. Most ideas get chucked. Information has to be spun into plot. I'm afraid she found it all very tedious. I'm also afraid I'm very abrupt and business-like when writing, even when the subject is a fun children's story. And we didn't even finish the chapter.
Maybe I'm just not good at sharing?Labels: giveaway, kids, mothering, writing