... still buzzing after meeting all of the Anansi staff at their sales rep party in Toronto last night. I was so nervous. So nervous! I put on mascara while Fooey writhed on the floor and screamed in her bossiest voice, "You will not be going to this meeting tonight! They can do the meeting tomorrow! You are not going!" It brought me closer to the reality that, for my little kids at least, this Mommy's publishing a book thing is a major inconvenience; they really can't understand what it means to me. Mommy's publishing a book and she's not tucking me in tonight! Not: Mommy's publishing a book, yay for Mommy! I set supper on the table, set the table, and as soon as Kevin walked through the door, peeled two desperately clingy children off my legs and made a run for it.
Then I had a pleasant (not) leisurely (not) drive down the 401. The traffic! Plus, the closer I got to my destination, the more nervous I got. I got so nervous I was having to remind myself to breathe. It's been awhile since I've schmoozed. Thankfully, as soon as I walked through the door, I was in good hands. My former boss from, oh, a decade or more ago, is married to Anansi's publisher. I think he knew I was nervous. I kind of had the same expression on my face that I had at the beginning of the marathon (but with better hair and a nicer outfit). He got me a glass of wine and took me outside to meet his dogs, and I was soon feeling much better. Just like reaching the 10km mark. Before I knew it, I was cruising.
And I got to meet everybody! I mean, all of these people who have been working with me from afar (not so very afar, but far enough that we've never met in person). I got to meet them! I met my editor! It was like meeting an old friend, except I had imagined her looking just a little bit different. I'd imagined everyone differently, come to think of it. Everyone looks different over email and the telephone. It was like meeting the people behind your favourite radio voices. Without even knowing it, you construct these imaginary faces.
Anyway, by 34km or so, I was one happy writer. I'd been fed a lovely dinner. My sister's red shoes looked great (thanks again, Edna!). Best of all, I wasn't schmoozing, I was just getting to know people. Hey, I like people! And come to think of it, I like talking too! Not so nerve-wracking after all.
At the end of the evening, I mentioned that I was kicking around for a new challenge this coming year--thinking of a running challenge or something like the 365-day photo challenge--and Sarah, Anansi's publisher, said (and I paraphrase): "How about publishing your book!? Forget the other challenges. This will be plenty. This year, you'll launch a book!"
I like that. I might have to go with that.
(Oh, and I got up early for spin class this morning and I was still buzzing ... still am ... floating on an evening out of the every day.)
(And, no, that photo does not relate. It's just a purty picture of some berries in the snow in front of our house.)Labels: Anansi, kids, publishing, The Juliet Stories, work