**Notes on the rooms.
My office has nothing on its walls. And we're using my old crappy furniture. But it's serene, austere, and dare I say perfect as is. I may not change a thing. Yesterday as we worked to move and rearrange four different rooms, I found myself taking moments to sit in my great-aunt Alice's rocking chair and look at the brick and the lights and the height, and to breathe.
AppleApple and Kevin created a bookshelf from the old costume bureau. An awesome repurposing project. I love that she has The Bible arranged beside other favourites like Bone, Misty of Chincoteague, and Children of War (the latter being a wonderful book that she keeps recommending her big brother read, as way of encouraging him to stop playing imaginary games with exploding bombs.)
The new bunk bed in the little kids' room is a marvel of design. We found it on kijiji, and it's not of the best material, but heck, it was available and in our price range. It's a t-shape, and CJ sleeps in what amounts to a little cozy cave. On one end is a desk with shelves and a built-in light. Bureau drawers are built in to the other end, along with a set of deep shelves. I still can't believe how different that room looks.
My step-mother figured out how to make a comfy couch out of the guest futon under Albus's bed. We've had the darn thing for about a decade and never knew it was possible. Neither Kevin nor I could understand her explanation (apparently it was very simple.) We've decided she operates on a higher level than us. My dad also loaned his muscles and back to the moving. It wouldn't have gotten done without their help. I've gone all wimpy now that I'm running. I keep telling Kevin, I'm a runner, not a weight-lifter. I don't want to injure myself.
Yet to be done today: painting, or at least prepping for painting; cleaning; and our living-room. I stole that beautiful wooden cabinet for my office from the living-room, and somehow that had a domino effect of toppling the entire room into a disaster zone. You know it's a disaster zone if the smallest members of your family tell you: "This room is a mess!" Uh, yeah. We're making use of kijiji to source a few more items. Kijiji is my new favourite virtual place. I've been inspired to post a few items for sale, too. If I get organized, I'll post the entire contents of our attic. My inspiration, in part, came from this blog on the zero-waste home. (And no, we're nowhere near zero. But hope springs eternal.)Labels: green dreams, house, office