I've been neglecting to link to my twice-weekly triathlon blogs on Chatelaine.com, but here's today's: an ode to yoga, and to cross-training generally.
In other news, my eldest turns 10 tomorrow, and to celebrate, we're going all out. He's invited eight friends for a sleepover party. Already, overnight bags are collecting in our front hall. I'll be heading up to school soon to supervise the walk home (but from a distance, it's been requested). Albus has spent a lot of time thinking about this party. He wrote out a draft version of his itinerary, and then a good copy (if you know Albus, you know how unusual this is). The itinerary includes a walk to the comic book store uptown. The boys will then read their comics "on a bench or on the curb." That's my favourite part.
I'm not expecting much sleep tonight.
But I hope to rest a little bit this weekend in advance of the duathlon on Monday. My next big challenge. I've never raced on a bicycle before. But I did learn how to change a tire yesterday (hands on), thanks to this super-woman. In the words of a favourite children's story: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! The race is 4km run, 30km bike ride, 4km run. The bike course is described as "challenging," and having biked part of it on Tuesday morning, I know why: hills and headwinds. It's also supposed to be raining on Monday. My goal is simple completion. If I don't chicken out, if I actually show up and do this, I will be a proud.
And now I see it's time to switch gears and sign off. Writing day done. Full-on-mama again.Labels: birthdays, kids, party, race, sleep, writing, writing day