It's a blessing, not a burden, to be this busy.
Yes, I sometimes feel overwhelmed. Yes, my life is written out in point form in advance. No, I don't always feel like doing what I've planned for myself. But it's amazing what can be squeezed into one day, what can fit.
Today, for example: breakfast, big kids out the door, swim lessons with little kids, home to start laundry, walk to a friend's house, play, home for lunch, prepare supper, listen to podcast on CBC radio on beauty ("beauty will save the world"), plan via email a talk I'm preparing to give on Sunday about being a "Mennonite" writer (quotation marks necessary?), walk to school to get kids, bring friends home, trade off parenting duties with Kev, walk briskly to yoga, 90-minute yoga class, walk briskly home, blissed out and thinking semi-deep thoughts, eat leftovers, listen to kids play drums and guitar, tag-team the dishes with Kev, head out with sibs for a drink, walk briskly home, chat with Kev before trading off as on-call parent, watch video of beautiful youngest singing along to the Cranberries, plan tomorrow's crock-pot supper, write blog. There's still time for a small snack before bed.
Taken from the radio program (Tapestry): when you embrace beauty--the beautiful, the moment of grace--you accept that it will pass, that you can't keep it. What is beauty? Goodness, kindness, compassion, acts of selfless impulsive grace.Labels: chores, music, organizing, radio, yoga