I keep finding scraps of paper around the house with paragraphs in tiny printing: AppleApple recording and making up stories about our daily lives. This overwhelms me with happiness. A child who loves words! I do hope she'll finish her newspaper; however, she's currently sidetracked by a school project on orcas, which she is typing up on my computer.
Here are excerpts from the writing I've found; I've corrected some eccentric spelling and grammar.
This one is from a school assignment, asking, If your mom told you the three most important things to remember, what do you think she would say? Why? "Keep earth clean. Stay safe, and have fun. I think she would say this because she wants to be environmentally friendly she doesn't want to worry about us and she likes us to have fun."
{side note: YAY! Talk about affirmation. I think she's bang on.}
Here's an advertisement she wrote for a school assignment, selling a candy of her own invention: "Have you ever tasted a yummy healthy morsel that will last forever? Would you like to try one? Is your wish to fly? Well you will get it if you eat this. Is your wish to talk to animals? Well you will get your wish if you eat this. You know how mom says don't play with your food? Well you can with this and it won't get dirty. Do you get bored of going over and over in the same swimming class? If you eat this it will make you swim better. Are you worried that you will waste your money? That's not a problem because my special candy comes with ten and multiplies twenty. So amazing saving 20 dollars! Now you must try this now. Come on kids. Don't sit there. Come and buy it now."
{side note: re doing the same swim class forever: She passed, FINALLY! Unfortunately, her brother did not. And somehow, Fooey managed not to pass after having already passed the level three times previously (which likely says more about her instructor's standards, than Fooey's accomplishments).
Also, it would appear that AppleApple has her mother's head for math ...}
"Things I like to say at lunch. Can I fill my water bottle? Can I have your autograph? Can I go to the bathroom? Can I get a drink of water? Can I get an apple?"
And this might risk scooping her newspaper, but here's an excerpt from the notes she's taking toward that project: "Dad's crazy about the world cup. Right now he's watching the world cup. It's the main subject at home today and yesterday."
{Totally and completely true. He's "cleaning up the living-room" right now.}Labels: kids, soccer, swimming, writing