I have so many things on my mind, and intentions to blog about each, but with little time to spare, today I just want to write about that--about time. I'm heading somewhere in my thinking. It's taking time to unfold. I love the evolution of our family's life, and how slowly but surely we've moved toward living differently, toward eating differently, thinking differently, opening our minds to possibilities. I love how our house itself has evolved over these years, accommodating the changes--more children, children growing, more space for food storage, more garden beds, more elaborate elements to the play structure. I love imagining what new changes will come.
Time itself is on my mind. The time that I have, and what I choose to do with it. It comes to me that the gift I have right now is time, and time is precious, it's all we've got. It is a gift not to need to work to earn money (and it may not always be so). My time is spent doing things that I value regardless of what external rewards they bring. I don't even mind doing the dishes, when I think of it as a small but important chore in the midst of this larger picture of family that I'm part of. The multiple tasks that make up my every day express so many things, but mostly they are an expression of commitment. This is what I'm doing right now.
I'd edging us toward many small changes: cloth wipes, bicycling, finding alternatives to packaged snacks (ideas, anyone???), and continuing to commit to choices we've already made.
I'm making different use of my time, too, and am amazed that it is possible to fit new things in: for example, getting up early several days a week to exercise. Who knew? Learning to play guitar while putting the kids to bed. Who knew?Labels: Big Thoughts