The jump! This is how I'm feeling today. I haven't even had a cup of coffee, but it's 10 o'clock in the morning, and the house is emptied of its usual noise. The oven is on, baking up two pans of sticky buns, and I've just jumped on my bed, and recorded it for posterity. Looking at that image, I think, not grown woman with four children and major life responsibilities, but girl. Sometimes it seems to me that I'm too in touch with my inner child: silly, goofy, self-involved, jumping on the bed.
Last night, I walked out of our family meeting. I was appalled afterward to think of the poor conflict resolution skills that action demonstrated. Fight or flight? I'm flight.
Oddly, the results of me saying, "That's it, I'm done with this meeting, and I'm going to do the dishes," turned out to have a positive effect on what had degenerated into an argument over the Talking Stick and its underling, the Second Talking Stick: which had more power? (CJ had been monopolizing the original talking stick for his own purposes, so Albus had introduced a second). No one could hear anyone talking over the talking stick debate, so when I walked off to do the dishes, everyone else cleared off too, and the kids went to play in the living room. They played together for the next HOUR. All of them. Huh? So, let's summarize. Family meeting = children arguing so loudly that no one can hear each other. Mama walking out on family meeting = children playing happily together.
A couple of positives that I took from the family meeting: 1. Albus explained to Fooey what family meetings are supposed to be about: "It's not about the ice cream! It's about us being together and talking as a family!" 2. We actually did discuss one important topic, though found no resolution. Topic? Extra-curricular activities.
This week, Albus has been particularly unhappy, crying, sad, angry, refusing to get out of the car, etc., at both piano lessons and swim lessons. I just sit quietly and gently and wait for him to change his mind and come with us. But it sort of depresses me, wears me down, makes me sad, too; that I can't find a way to make him happier in the situation.
Music isn't an option; to me, it's a skill as important to learn as reading, but it doesn't matter what instrument is involved. Albus has expressed interest in guitar, so why not? But he still has to finish this year's piano lessons. And both AppleApple and Albus were upset about taking the same swim class over and over again (they are on their fourth or fifth round of Swim Kids Five; perhaps a rec centre record?). I get it. It sucks. But only with practice will they get better and better till they pass. They are both close to passing in terms of the skills they've acquired. But I watched them yesterday and suspect they have another round of swim kids five before them this summer. (Though CJ did a whole lesson on his own, while I stood at the edge of the pool in my swimsuit prepared to leap in and rescue him, lest he step off into the abyss whilst his sweet swim teacher was otherwise occupied with another toddler in her care. Yikes. I'm not sure I'll be able to relax in the stands after all, even if he makes the transition to solo lessons.)
Buzzer just went. Sticky buns done! I cannot help myself. I must take a photo and post it right now. They smell THAT GOOD.
Back to the family meeting. How did we resolve the anger and frustration over children not wanting to learn skills that we parents consider to be important? Short answer: we didn't. But at least we tried to talk about it. We can try again next week. Till I storm off. Joking. That was a joke.
This week's yoga revelation: sometimes 100% effort yields less than, say, 80% effort. Sometimes the best things are created when we're not trying quite so hard, when we're loose, when we let go. You measure what you've got, and you give just a little bit less. (This, as a concept, is almost impossible for me to put into action; honestly, I have to grate against my instincts; it's painful). It's partly about setting priorities, saving something of yourself for everything that needs doing. And it's also about letting go of the idea of perfection. Maybe my inner child gets it better than I do. Maybe I should let her jump on the bed more often.Labels: baking, Big Thoughts, family meeting, music, piano lessons, swimming, yoga