Note to self: Never announce that one is mending. One will instantly be swatted back to germworld by the Powers that be. (What are these Powers? Dare I ask?) Mending, say you? Hacking and coughing, say we. Oh, and for good measure, let's send that stomach flu spiralling through the rest of the family, shall we?
Some pictures from our week ...
Fooey and CJ home with me on Monday, posing for a sibling portrait.
Also on Monday, a day of reading and puzzling together: CJ posing with the first puzzle he ever put together--for real! he stopped and held still in this position, thumb tucked into palm, till the shutter clicked! (I helped with the puzzle; but he did a lot--a lot more than I realized that he possibly could).
Yesterday, all four children were at home, giving us a prelude of what's to come on next week's March Break. They spent all afternoon organizing themselves to play school (ironic, huh). I peeked into the living-room at various points to discover: a beautiful craft being made that turned pencils into flowers; four children at four "desks" working in math books (apparently we have a lot of these, usually neglected, on our colouring book shelf); four children arriving at the counter for "nutrition break" (a chocolate bunny split into four equalish pieces that we bought from a child selling them door-to-door for his school; I do not want my own children to have to do that, ever); and four children putting on rain boots and sweaters to run outside and play in the slush for recess. And I recorded none of it. The best I can come up with is this out-take photo from my portrait project, which shows yesterday's post-school littered living-room, and the self-adorned CJ.
[Note: The portrait project can be found by scanning down the right-hand side of the page, but be warned, it's all about me. 365 days of self-portraiture. What's the worst that could happen? No, Powers, I'm not asking. Really. That was just a joke.]
And, finally, today ... two brothers watching a movie together in the basement. My boys! The younger of the two has just fallen asleep for a rare afternoon nap. So rare, I thought they were extinct. I should go grab a photo of it while I still have the chance, before it flies into the deepest darkest forest known to humankind. (That feels like I've written a riddle, the answer to which is: the past).Labels: photos, play, portraits, reading, school day, siblings, sick