Man, I love this kid. He's a clown. He's a peacock. He found this hat (Kevin's) and put it on himself. He's got the swagger, the moves, the drama. He's a talker, too. Loves making up words, trying out words, putting words together. Reading me stories from books. Loves an audience. Sometimes, these days, I'm all he's got.
Tonight I made it to yoga class. Finally. It had been a week and one day since the last class. I haven't had the energy recently to get out at night. I've chosen pjs and bed over sweating and exertion. But tonight's class reminded me--as all the classes do--why it's worth it to go. Because it damn near kills me, sometimes, and those times turn out to be the best. Tonight I was able to manage the physical distress as long as I continued with the poses; I'm finding it more natural for my mind to enter a space where it can cope calmly and concentrate. But when I reached final resting pose, I was fairly certain that I'd pushed myself too hard and had gone too far. Lying still. It felt almost impossible. It took ever fibre of self-control to continue resting there (and for those of you who practice yoga, you know this pose is often the most pleasurable, a place of relief and accomplishment and general good vibes). I was the last person to get up and leave the room, but I stayed till I'd gotten myself back. It took a lot of concentrated breathing. I also kept repeating a mantra given to me by my kundalini teacher and friend, Kasia.
And as I walked out of the room, I realized that I was GRINNING. I felt amazing. Not at all like throwing up. Fabulous. Beyond fabulous.
Very trippy.
The yoga practice works as a metaphor, for me. It is like going on a journey, in miniature. A difficult journey. There are moments when you think you cannot endure. You want to give up. You get past that moment, and you're confronted by another. And another. But if you keep going and stay focussed on something clear and necessary--your own breath entering and exiting your body--you discover reserves of courage and strength. You get beyond. To somewhere you couldn't have imagined when you started out. To something ... not necessarily better, because who's to judge. Just ... to a place that has depth and meaning, and to which you bring the courage that got you there.
I'd title this entry "Flake Out With Obscure CanLit Mama," but that doesn't go with the photos.Labels: CJ, spirit, spirituality, yoga