Woke early to CJ crying a word that sounded like "puppy." Nope, another word very similar; and his diaper had worked its way off in the night. After cleanup, we had a snuggle and a nurse. Then we got AppleApple dressed and ready for a day at horse camp--my Christmas gift to her. I don't think she's wearing enough socks under her rubber boots. It's freezing out there! Took Fooey along because she wanted to see the horses. Spent the entire time at the farm listening to Fooey cry because she wasn't wearing snow pants. Spent the entire trip home with Fooey kicking the back of my seat and howling because I hadn't brought a snack for her. She did seem properly chagrined when I reminded her that it was my birthday, finally (guilt tripping Mama).
So ... it's a regular day. But here are some lovely things ahead: I requested an afternoon out of the house, without kids. I'm planning to drop in to a hot yoga class around noon, spend a generous gift certificate from my mom at a favourite clothing store uptown, and ... not sure what else. Maybe visit the bookstore or library, bring my journal. And tonight, Kevin's taking me out for supper, no children allowed.
But right now, I need to deal with an absurdly grumpy four-year-old. "You has to HELP me with the puzzle. That's what I'm trying to complain to you!"Labels: birthdays, horses