Here's where Kevin and I were last night: in Toronto, listening to Alice Munro and Diana Athill talk about their writing lives. Amazing! Once-in-a-lifetime. Anansi Press has posted a link to the podcast (click on the link above to find it all).
And here's where I'll be tonight: in Kitchener, reading from a new story at the Art Bar for the launch of this fall's New Quarterly (still haven't held the finished product in my hands; looking forward to that).
Where I'll be immediately before that doesn't get a link. Suffice it to say, I'm just required to show up with a brainful of knowledge and a working pen.
And, finally, here's where I am right now: in bed, clad in pjs and bathrobe, sipping garlic-lemon-ginger tea (apologies to anyone who will be in my vicinity at any point in the near future), fighting a cold. Thankfully, my mother-in-law is visiting and has been wrangling children all morning. We're all happy it's finally naptime. (And if you've never seen me clad in pjs and bathrobe, be grateful. Be very very grateful. No illustrations needed.)
Labels: reading, school day, writing