My heart is querying: why? And I'm querying: heart, can you bear to return to that sheaf of rejected poems? Can you bear to begin again another new project? Can you bear to travel to those dark and lonely places?
It's occurred to me that were I to remove the ambition of being a writer from my psyche, mine would be a full and fulfilling life. With that hole of doubt and hope plastered over, life looks simple--not simplistic. A clean wall on which to hang new photographs, less mirrors.
This post isn't a question. It's the hum of an observation.
But here's a question: what if the gifts I've interpreted as belonging to "writer," actually belong to some other vocation?
I know I'm good at: expressing emotions, witnessing moments, sitting quietly, focussing deeply, finding humour, sharing beauty in imagery and language, listening, reflection, taking responsibility, organizing, planning, assessing situations and staying flexible.
I know sometimes I'm: too introspective, overly analytical, reticent, impatient. Sometimes my expectations (for myself and for others) are way too high. I eat cheese almost every night before bed. My favourite dream hasn't change since childhood, and it involves riding a wild horse.
Enough with the sequitors and non-. I will leave this post as ... to be continued. Ain't life interesting?