Up early to prepare for another round of daily swim lessons, our last of the summer. This time, CJ and I will be in the water, too, which complicates matters. My planning brain has been working overtime to calculate what combination of changerooms, snacks, and locks will precipitate maximum smoothness of transitions, but the success of the venture really comes down to patience and flexibility--mine. Today's weather is calling for morning thundershowers. And we have no vehicle at our disposal. This is your mission, should you choose to accept.
(I do).
Everyone's still sleeping. Our schedule has gotten later and later on both ends of the day. I find myself looking forward to more routine, less lazing about. It's a fine line.
I like getting up early when it's quiet. Maybe I should rethink my office set-up (currently in CJ's bedroom), so I could use my work computer in the early morning.
Thinking outloud.
Here's what I wanted to get down on paper (virtually): CJ walked down the back porch steps yesterday. I nearly screamed, discovering him mid-stride. No holding onto the railing or anything. If I want to go there, I can make myself feel downright woozy imagining him doing this without me present and able to catch him should he stumble. Because even though he can, it doesn't mean he can with consistency. Yikes. The risks these babies take as they grow and develop, and us with them.
It's been a year since I started this blog, and it's with gratitude that I note this. How thankful I am to have this scrapbook of our daily lives. But here are two unexpected gifts it's given me: better photo-taking skills, and more bravery in talking about my writing life, warts and all.
Thanks to everyone who's read along.
Labels: swimming, writing