Figuring out (or remembering), based on today's success, that a mixture of planned and spontaneous is the way to increase each day's pleasure. We started swim lessons this morning, a two-week every-day stint that unfortunately won't include CJ, whose session got cancelled. But he comes along anyway, and proved easy to entertain today, as we spent a great deal of our time coming in and out of various changerooms with various combinations of children in various stages of wet and dry. We transported ourselves to and from using the bike/run combo, which makes me feel fit and fitter, and ate a snack at the nearby park after swimming, then went onto the library to refresh our reading material. Home for lunch, siesta, and cookie baking. Yesterday evening, while Kev played soccer (almost the whole game ... on that knee ... he came home and iced it for ages), the kids and I biked/ran to the zoo at the park. Not an especially exotic zoo by any stretch of the imagination, but absolutely thrilling to the smallest of our crew, who almost lost his mind with excitement--uh, Mama, can you believe this, like, seriously, I'm going to have to crouch over, point and scream, because I think, if I'm not mistaken, that what we have here before us is a DI-DI!!! And another, and another, and another!!! Bunnies, deer, a cow-like animal, miniature horses, donkey ("what's the difference between a donkey and a horse?"), goats, sheep, peacocks, and two piglets ("Look--'these two little piggies are not going to market'. That's good, right Mom?" "Hmm, it says that every year, but I have my suspicions ..."). We snacked beside the deer, and arrived home in time to brush teeth and go to bed: perfect timing. Alone, at last, I indulged in the Bachelorette while folding laundry because heaven help me, I'm a summer reality television addict (not recovering). This afternoon, figuring they'd gotten a good dose of healthy exercise, I gave into the three oldest children's pleas for "screen time" and let them spend our siesta playing on the computer; which meant that I couldn't. So I read instead. It was LOVELY. At least as much fun as Facebook. Simple pleasures.
When I started this post, CJ was sitting at the counter on Albus's former stool, proudly eating a cookie fresh from the oven; he's now "dow, dow" and bringing me stuffed animals, kissing them, telling me stories, imitating their noises "woo, woo," and requesting attention, please, Mama. Supper's well underway (brown rice in oven; beans already cooked). Sure, kid. Meow, moo, peep.Labels: bicycles, holiday, summer, swimming