Chores. Daily. Update. Albus and Fooey set the table together ... but that was as far as it got tonight. Albus straightaway started throwing-up after dinner, Apple-Apple was too engrossed in her book (an odd little story called A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote that involved a seven-year-old boy drinking whiskey with a senile distant cousin ... from the school library, and I only skimmed it afterwards with curiosity when I noticed who the author was, and then wondered hmm, what did she get out of this?). Anyway, what with the sickness and the husband trying to get out the door for his hockey pool, I did the rest of the chores in our lovely new red chore box. With the exception of the laundry which I'm leaving for Kevin, assuming he notices the basket when he comes home later. Just realized it must have been exactly five weeks ago that he smashed his kneecap.
I'm feeling a little queasy. Who will be the next family member throwing up? These things never seem to stop at one. Well, we're already at two, now. Only four more to go!
This post does not fit in with my new daily theme mandate. I'll have to add a category called Should-Be-In-Bed-Ramblings.
But I wanted to post those photos. Apple-Apple lost her first tooth today--at school, no less. It awaits beneath her pillow in a yellow box from the school office, with an accompanying letter describing how it fell out: "This is the first tooth I lost, I hope you like it!" She's been restlessly rolling around, waiting for the fairy's arrival.
CJ climbed onto the stool in front of the bathroom sink tonight and insisted on brushing his own tooth. He even knew to swish the brush under the water to rinse it off, except he couldn't quite reach. It's a good thing they make one-year-olds insanely cute because right after this photo was taken he dashed off to the living-room and unloaded the clean laundry basket in less time than it takes to tell the story.
Fooey kept trying to get into CJ's photo, so I took one of her: "Put CJ in it too," she instructed, but he was moving too fast. I'm pretty sure that's a clean sock he's holding as he rushes off.