Topics I've been meaning to cover ...
The way our neighbours and friends are bringing us food regularly, and what an amazing mental boost that has been (not to mention being good practical help, too). I meant to photograph us enjoying each meal, but my good intentions got lost in the whirr activity--the thought seems only to occur to me to AFTER supper. Dirty dishes = not a compelling, or (sadly) original, subject.
The way I always need to learn things the hard way--why is that? The easy way would be so much ... easier.
The way, immediately following a moment of self-congratulation, I do something that reminds me how ridiculously human I am. Fallible, weak, BITCHY. Pardon the swear, but no other word quite sums up my Being today. I am so growly, so irritable, so lacking in patience, I'm even getting on my own nerves. Heh. Thankfully, the weather turned sunny again today, and after hauling three children to the grocery store, I arrived home and observed to my husband that the day was gorgeous and that my children, lovely as they are, were driving me insane, and he kindly suggested that he could take them all out to the backyard to play. CJ loves being outdoors. He would live out there full-time if we'd let him. The others agreed to give the great outdoors a shot, too, and that's where they've spent the last few hours. I stayed inside and cooked; which is almost a novelty, thanks to our kind friends and neighbours; and seems to have improved my humour.
Kevin's leg continues to heal incrementally. He gets around on it amazingly well. On April 20th, he'll go back for more xrays, and will possibly get the splint off at that point, and begin rehab--if the bone's all healed. He is definitely much more tired at the end of the day than we are used to. But that's one of the things I've gotten to learn the hard way in the past month--I can get up early! Not only that, I actually like being the first person puttering around the house, and it's given me a few minutes of quiet and calm to start my day.
Life. Difficulty = richness = damn hard = good. (If this doesn't seem to add up, forgive me; math was never my strongest subject).Labels: Big Thoughts, cooking