A good morning, goes like this ... wake, tired, but that's okay. Sun pouring through drawn blinds. "Good morning, Mommy!" Fooey never fails to greet me this way. Apple-Apple is reading in her bunk. CJ cooing from his crib. Albus: "Is it morning-time?"
Coffee grinder roaring, bread toasting. Joining in an endless search for tights that fit and have no holes. Bags packed. The first load of laundry tossed into the washer. Lost snowpants and hat located. Muffin recipe considered, rejected. Kisses goodbye. Diaper change and big sister picking out little brother's clothes for the day (pink sweater with rainbow detailing at wrists chosen). Up and down the stairs. Breakfast shared by mother and babe (we both like cooked cereals with yogurt and pearsauce). Muffin recipe chosen. Hair braided. Outfit for daughter dug out of basket of clean clothes waiting on living-room floor. Skim front section of newspaper. Grocery delivery, teamwork to put everything away.
Arrival of morning playdate! First cup of coffee! Check in with Facebook. Start muffins. Check diaper, change. Clementime peeled, and raisins and seeds doled out. Play. The smell of fresh baking. Second half-filled cup of coffee (the dregs). Diapers into the washer. Muffins out of the oven. Second snacktime. Fussy baby. Girls playing upstairs. Baby in backpack.
Eggs boiling on stove for lunch. Blog. Nap. Peace. Radio (Jian Ghomeshi). Sunlight!Labels: eggs, kids, muffins, radio