Apparently CJ did wake and squawk briefly several times last night; Kevin said these episodes lasted mere moments, but because he was in another room, and we're running two humidifiers now (so much for cutting down on energy consumption), I didn't hear the babe and instantly leap to grab him up and feed him back to sleep. He is now 20 pounds, 6 ounces. Weighed today. I'm noting that here because I seem incapable of noting it anywhere else.
I'm only a tiny bit torn about moving him out of our room. Mostly I'm looking forward to reading before bed (while lying in bed), and to resting more consistently, ie. more than an hour or so consecutively. And I'll still get to bring him into bed for snuggly night feedings, just fewer and further between. It always seems to come to "it's time." This may be the case for every transition. Something just tells me when it's time.
To speak of a more fundamental transition, I'm finding myself in this New Year thinking often about life beyond primarily childcare. Researching possibilities. Feeling excitement, even impatience.
Kevin stayed home Monday morning so I could write, and he reflected afterward how these moments will never come again. You either decide to spend this time with your growing children, or you don't, but you can't have it both ways. You can't spend this same time with them later. They will be grown. You can't sit on the kitchen floor while CJ practices standing and taking a step, and Fooey gobbles handfuls of peanuts perched on a stool, talking utterly non-stop. Sometimes it feels too slow, too boring, too quiet. Sometimes it feels like you need some positive feedback, some notice, some worldly recognition. That feels vain to admit, but there must be something in human nature that craves recognition, recompense, for work done. But this isn't regular work. You might even argue that it's not work. It's living, life. It's experience. It's definitive.
And I'm trusting that I'll know when it's time to shift my focus, that I'll know when my time has come to get up off the floor. Maybe it will be when CJ can run away from me, or when Fooey has her nose buried in a book, or when Apple-Apple can cook supper, or Albus can walk to school by himself. I'm just guessing. I never know it's time ... till I know.Labels: Big Thoughts, kids, New Year's, sleep