Trying to write this afternoon. Not getting much accomplished. Can't blame Stephen Harper for everything, can I?? I'm so thoroughly caught up in today's news that instead of polishing metaphors in this story, I'm composing letters to members of parliament. This morning, Stephen Harper visited the Governor-General and asked for and received a prorogue, which means the operations of the House of Parliament are suspended for seven or eight weeks, at which point, the Conservatives will likely have to face a vote of confidence on the budget they say they'll introduce at that time. In the meantime, they're planning a full-on, well-financed publicity campaign, and lots of polling. (Haven't heard a peep in that plan about reconciling with the opposition). Apparently, that's how you get the pulse of the people: you poll them. Guess what--I've never once been polled; but I do vote. That's how you actually go to the people. You hold an election.
Nobody wants one.
Brrr. It's cold out there today, bits of snow falling, icy sidewalks, dim skies. CJ screamed all the way to school in the stroller. He plays strange, now, with adults who are not related to him. The pout and hesitation, the crumpled face and widened eyes, the whimper, the yowl and crocodile tears flowing picturesquely down his cheeks. As soon as he's back in my arms again, he ceases crying, then quickly turns to check on that Other Person, to see whether they're still there. Yup. Then back to Mommy, burying his head in my shoulder. Then checking again. He's a tightly wound little fellow, all kicking legs and flinging limbs and excited energy. He's going to need a lot of outdoor time as he grows. Sports. I love how he's drawn to children about Fooey's size. He approaches them quite differently than he does strange adults. I think it speaks well of his relationship with his big siblings. Fooey sang to him the whole way to school, to try to calm him down; and sometimes it seemed to be working. She loves to make up topical songs.
Maybe she can make up one for me with the word "prorogue" in it. A verse with, "Calm down, Mommy, and stop yelling at the radio," would hit the spot too.
Labels: kids, music, politics