For breakfast, sticky buns with pecans. Homemade. Oh, the butter.

For lunch ... well, there was no lunch. There was snacking on oranges from the stockings, chocolate from the stockings, candy from the stockings. What was Santa thinking?

And then, there was a late afternoon simple feast. One 19-pound turkey (from Nina's buying club) survived my first attempt at roasting turkey. Bread stuffing on the side. Wild rice and barley casserole with turnips and sweet potatoes. Organic greens with grated carrot, apples, sunflower seeds, and honey/balsamic dressing. Homemade pumpkin pie for dessert.

This was the most Christmassy-feeling Christmas in awhile, and the children and their excitement and participation were a huge part of that. Albus and Apple-Apple's sweet and thoughtful gifts. Waiting, then running downstairs yesterday morning together to see whether Christmas had come. Working on the 1,000 piece puzzle. Just holing up together with warmth and food while snow fell. Music. Piano playing and singing. Retelling the nativity story. Peaceful sleep. Sledding with friends on Christmas day. Jammies all day. Napping.