Oh my goodness, my friend Katie has posted pics of her brand-new baby boy, Quinn, on her blog, and I am so in love!!! I don't know how this is possible under the circumstances, but those pics make my ovaries ache ... and technically I still have a baby. Good grief. However, we tried to fit the whole family into a photo booth at the Steam Whistle gallery at my bro's art show in Toronto, Wednesday night, and we were really ridiculously crammed in there. A's head appeared giant (the 'fro) as he was clumped near the front, and the rest of us were squeezed shadowy fragments of face behind the 'fro, and Kevin and I both said, "No more kids." Maybe that's not a good measure (too many kids to fit into a photo booth??), but it seemed as good as any.
The kids have the day off school today, and we spent the morning having a lovely family playdate with another family, quite peaceful, mostly conflict-free, plus the other family brought snacks--cake with canned peaches. That was a lucky thing because without my CSA box and Nina's buying club, and because I've gotten out of the habit of going to grocery stores regularly, our cupboards are truly bare. And our fridge. Our root cellar is nice and full, but sweet potatoes, onions and garlic are not big hits at snacktime. Unless one is feeding bunnies.
I have been thinking about giving my kids nicknames for the sake of this blog. I hope it won't sound too twee, but calling them by a letter seems terribly uninspired. So here's my plan: A will now be identified as Albus (yes, after the Dumbledore variety); AB will be Apple-Apple, which is what she wanted to name her little sister when she was born; F, aforementioned little sis, will be Fooey, which was what she called herself awhile back (I miss those days!); and baby CJ will stay as is, because in his case, the initials work. Though we never actually call him that.
Well, it's nearly time for another playdate (Albus is having a friend over), then it's swim lessons. I am drinking the entire carafe of coffee by myself today because Kevin has gone to Toronto to run a training class. I've boiled up a lovely chicken stock with which to make noodle soup for supper, along with cornbread. I'll be counting on the kids to help. Do you hear that, kids? I'm counting on ya! They've been playing outside for the last half hour because rain is on its way, but it's still beautiful right now. And we haven't reached hibernation mode yet.
Okay, OCMama, slug back this extra cup of coffee and rouse yourself, because it's time to be "on" again. This is why I like blogging. It's a wee bit of time off. I need some moments inside my own head every day. If I don't blog, I just stare blankly off into the distance, or something similarly unproductive (I'm convinced the brain needs this "blank" time in order to recharge), such as surfing the net, or clicking on the "next blog" feature at the top of this screen. Have you tried that? You'll go to all kinds of places all over the world and see photos of strangers and read oddly similar but intimate details about their lives--or more likely, the lives of their children. Just like here. Oh dear, just saw someone walking by on the sidewalk glance with concern toward our backyard from wherein emerged a blood-curdling sound effect courtesy young sir Albus.Labels: blogging, CSA box, kids, Nina's buying club, supper