Apparently, I ordered a 1/2 bushel of red peppers from our CSA last spring, because they arrived yesterday evening. I kept saying, "Did I really order these? Are you sure these are ours?" I was in such a state of denial, I even went so far as to call my bro, who also gets the same CSA box, to find out whether these might be their peppers instead (same last name, you know). But nope. My sister-in-law-to-be assured me the peppers were mine.
So I dealt with them. I think I'm done dealing with food for the summer. I feel just so very very done. I did not roast these peppers, as probably would have been the ideal storage solution; I just seeded them and chopped them and chucked them into freezer bags and old yogurt containers. Guess I'll be looking up recipes for red pepper soup this winter. I've heard you can actually eat these peppers raw, upon thawing, so we shall see. That would be a fine mid-winter treat. But perhaps you can sense my flagging enthusiasm. Oh, it's half-mast, for sure.
Kevin says yesterday evening: "You seem really grumpy. Are you feeling grumpy?"
Uh yah. The kids are still up and going into hysterics because it's past bedtime (letting them play outside till dark, to savour what's left of this summer season). Everyone wants a snack. AB refuses to get out of the shower till the bathroom is sufficiently fogged up. I'm halfway done washing vats of dirty dishes. There's still laundry on the line. Baby CJ is fussy with a stuffed-up nose. And I have a half-bushel of red peppers to deal with sitting on my counter.
Oh, and it's hockey night.
So yah. I had the grumps. But I cleared away those peppers in record time, dishes got done, kids fed and read to and teeth flossed and brushed, the laundry abandoned to the basket for another day, et cetera. I even had a few minutes to read in bed before nursing fussy baby off to sleep. I'd cheered up by that point. I'm not against momentary grumpiness, but it seems an emotion unwise to indulge in for any sustained period (more than fifteen minutes? half an hour?), lest one weary the patience of those forced to share accomodation with one. Besides, I ordered those peppers. It must have been me. So I can blame no one but myself. And I don't like indulging in self-grumping either.
But I should add, in all fairness to my husband, that the only reason he asked me whether I was grumpy was because I had accused him of it in the first place. Ah, projection. I'm in a bad mood, so I'll turn to Kevin and say, "You're in a bad mood." He's been around long enough not to take this personally. And I've been around long enough to appreciate (if grumpily) having it pointed out that the mood is all mine.Labels: chores, CSA box, freezing, peppers